Description: STOCK PHOTOS ONLY Table of ContentsPresident’s Program001Microbes, Evolution, and the World around Us 208Infectious Agents through the Food Chain: Farm, Feed, and Food Handler ASM Boards/Committees ProgramsAmerican Academy of MicrobiologyAward Lectures051Maurice Hilleman Merck Award 054D.C. White Research and Mentoring Award 097Abbott-ASM Lifetime Achievement Award 154Eli Lilly & Company Research Award 155USFCC/J. Roger Porter Award 161Procter & Gamble Award in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 265Promega Biotechnology Research Award 270GlaxoSmithKline International Member of the Year Award Symposia/Round Tables021Microbes in a Changing World: Translations from Darwin 022Antibiotic Crisis: Keeping Ahead of the Resistance Game 117The Rare Biosphere: An Emerging Paradigm for Microbiology 329Global Food Safety: Reducing Risk from Farm to Table American Board of Medical Microbiology268Beyond Board Certification: Current Research in Clinical Microbiology and Immunology Archives Committee160Philadelphia Microbiology, Past, Present and Future: 1750’s to 2025 206Philadelphia's Giants of Microbiology: Their Contributions, Past, Present and Into the Future Career Development Committee095Careers for Microbiologists Committee on Microbiological Issues Impacting Minorities314HIV Rethought: A Future Commensal Committee on the Status of Women in Microbiology207Global Clean Water: The World Cup Communications Committee096Open Science -The Risks, Rewards and Challenges International Board023Genomics Enabled Biogeography of Planet Earth Education BoardStudent Oral Sessions052Undergraduate and Graduate Research Fellows Presentations -I 053Undergraduate and Graduate Research Fellows Presentations – II 156Undergraduate and Graduate Research Fellows Presentations – III 158Undergraduate and Graduate Research Fellows Presentations – IV Symposia228Teaching Careers for Microbiologists 315Career Preparation in Microbiology: Non-academic Career Tracks Public and Scientific Affairs Board118A Guideline to Practice Guidelines: Development and Impact 229What Did Salmonella Saintpaul Teach Us? Colloquium ProgramBasic Microbiology007Iron-Sulfur Proteins: At the Center of Life and Death 080Genomic Approaches to Studying Evolution of Metabolic Pathways and Regulatory Networks 101A New Look at the Cell Wall: From Cell Signals to Structure 190Lateral Gene Transfer and Bacterial Evolution - Mechanism and Limits 213Modification of Bacterial Proteins 316The $1 Bacterial Genome Environmental Microbiology008Shaking the Tree of Life 102Community Robustness 191The Deep Subsurface Biosphere 300Integrating and Interpreting the Human Microbiome 317Phage Clinical Microbiology009Advances in New Pathogen Discovery 103Diseases of Antiquity Are Still With Us - What Will It Take To Eradicate Them? 214Why Do You Hurt the Ones You Love? - Factors Promoting the Evolution of Microbial Virulence Pathogenesis081Intracellular Trafficking of Protein Toxins 104Bacterial Dormancy and Regrowth 192TH17 and Its Impact on Infections and Other Human Diseases 215Pathogen Targeting of Mitochondria as the Multifunctional Organelle at the Cross-Roads of Innate Immunity, Apoptosis, and Autophagy 301Chemical Biology Approaches for Studying and Combating Pathogens Divisional Group ProgramsDivisional Group One302Late Breaker Session: Infections from Within Divisional Group Two105Modulation of Host Immunity by Bacterial Pathogens Divisional Group Three082Caught in the Act: Single Cell Ecophysiology of Uncultured Microbes Divisional Group Four106New Insights from Global Studies of Gene Regulation and Function Division ProgramsDivision A: Antimicrobial ChemistrySymposia010/AMolecular Mechanism of Antifungal Resistance 193/ARegulation and Control of Antibiotic Resistance Posters055/AAntimicrobial Susceptibility 056/AMechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance - I 057/AMechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance - II 119/AMechanisms of Antimicrobial Action 120/ASurveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance 121/AMethods for the Identification of Novel Therapeutics 230/AExperimental Therapeutics 231/APharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics Division B: Microbial PathogenesisSymposia011/BPerturbation of the Host Autophagy System by Intracellular Pathogens 012/BThe Lure of the Zebrafish for Deciphering Host-Pathogen Interactions during Infection 216/BNon-Coding RNAs and New RNA Mediated Regulatory Mechanisms 217/BMolecular Pathogenesis of Co-Infections 318/BBacterial Adaptations to a Chronic Colonization Lifestyle: From Clinical Observations to Animal Models 319/BMicrobial Endocrinology- Perception of Host Hormones by Bacteria Student Oral Presentations266/B-DRichard and Mary Finkelstein Student Award Presentations Posters024/BToxins - I 025/BRegulation of Virulence - I 058/BGenetic Basis of Pathogenesis 059/BMicrobial Adherence and Invasion 163/BToxins - II 164/BVirulence Machineries 232/BAnimal Models of Infection 271/BRegulation of Virulence - II 272/BImmune Evasion 330/BRegulation of Virulence - III 331/BHost Factors in Pathogenesis Division C: Clinical MicrobiologySymposia013/CMicrobiological Analysis of Urine in the 21stCentury: Where to Start, When to Stop, What's New 083/CNovel Approaches for Microbial Detection and Identification in Clinical Microbiology 107/CUpdate on Gram-Negative Pathogen Resistance and Laboratory Methods of Detection 194/COne Health - A New Paradigm for Microbiology and Public Health 218/CCode Sepsis: Clinical Microbiology Responds to Sepsis 303/CThe Most Outrageous and Contagious!: Extreme Case Presentations in Clinical Microbiology Sunrise Symposia002/CHot Topics in Point-of-Care Microbiology 003/CUpdate on Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli: A Clinical and Public Health Perspective 004/CCoping with Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Challenges for 2009 005/CCases Studies in Sequencing-Based Identifications in the Diagnostic Laboratory 098/CClinically-Relevant Work Up of Sputum and Wound Cultures 099/CDigital Imagery - Another of Those Subjects I Wish I Had Learned in School 100/CAlgorithm for Detection and Reporting of ESBL, AmpC, K1 and KPC Beta-Lactamase Resistance in Members of the Enterobacteriaceae 209/CHow and Why To Get the Right Specimens for Microbiology and What to Do When You Don’t 210/CQuantitative Detection and Monitoring of Viremia in Transplant Recipients 211/CClostridium difficile Diagnosis & Testing 212/CResourcing and Practicing Clinical Microbiology in Austere Environments Posters026/CAntimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methods - Gram-Positive Molecular 027/CAntimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methods - Gram-Positive Non-Molecular 028/CDiagnostic Mycobacteriology - All Methods and Susceptibility 060/CLaboratory Management and Quality Assurance 061/CSexually Transmitted Diseases: Pathogens and Methods 062/CSpecimen Collection, Transportation and Processing 122/CDiagnostic Mycology - All Methods and Susceptibility 123/CDiagnostic Parasitology - All Methods and Susceptibility 124/CUnusual Organisms and Case Studies 165/CDiagnostic Bacteriology Identification - Gram-Positive Molecular - I 166/CDiagnostic Bacteriology Identification - Gram-Positive Molecular - II 167/CDiagnostic Bacteriology Identification- Gram-Positive Non-Molecular 168/CDiagnostic Bacteriology Identification- Gram-Negative Molecular 169/CDiagnostic Bacteriology Identification- Gram-Negative Non-Molecular 233/CAntimicrobial Susceptibility Testing- Gram-Negative All Methods 234/CVirology and Antiviral Testing 273/CMolecular Typing, Epidemiology and Surveillance - Gram-Negative 274/CMolecular Typing, Epidemiology and Surveillance - Gram-Positive 275/CMolecular Typing, Epidemiology and Surveillance - Other Division D: Bacteria of Medical ImportanceSymposia195/DThe Molecular Conversation Between Symbiotic Bacteria and Their Animal Hosts 304/DThe Physical and Biological Sciences versus the T3SS 305/DTransmission as a Key Component of Microbial Pathogenesis 320/DObligate Vacuolar Pathogens and New Paradigms in Cellular Microbiology Student Oral Presentations266/B-DRichard and Mary Finkelstein Student Award Presentations Posters029/DGenomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics of Bacterial Pathogens 030/DSurface Structures of Bacterial Pathogens 063/DSecreted Proteins of Bacterial Pathogens 064/DMicrobial Interactions with Host Cells 125/DBiofilm Formation by Bacterial Pathogens 126/DIntracellular Bacterial Pathogens 170/DStreptococci, Enterococci and Staphylococci 276/DHelicobacter and Campylobacter 277/DPseudomonas, Burkholderia, and Acinetobacter 332/DEnteric and Mucosal Pathogens 333/DSpirochetes and Vector-Borne Bacterial Pathogens Division E: ImmunologySymposia084/EMicrobiology and Immunology at Mucosal Surfaces 108/EProtection beyond the Condom: Immune Response to Sexually Transmitted Infections 109/ENovel Concepts and Strategies for Vaccines against Infections Posters031/EInnate Immunity in Host Defense 127/EImmunomodulation by Microbial Products 171/ECytokines, Chemokines, and Host Response to Infection 235/EVaccines against Microbial Pathogens 236ESepsis, Inflammation, and Toll-like Receptors 278/EVaccines against Microbial Pathogens Division F: Medical MycologySymposia085/FSexual Reproduction and the Evolution of Eukaryotic Microbial Pathogens 110/FSensing of Small Molecules and Environmental Cues by Fungi 196/FGranulomatous Host Defenses against Endemic Mycoses of the Americas 306/FThe Influence of Host and Pathogen Factors/Diversity in Fungal Pathogenesis Posters065/FClinical Mycology - Diagnosis, Treatment, Trials, Epidemiology 237/FFungal Pathogenesis, Virulence, and Animal Models 279/FMolecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics 280/FHost Response and Molecular Immunology Division G: MycoplasmologySymposia014/GThe Other Mollicutes: Insects and Plants as Host Organisms Student Oral Presentations267/GDivision G Student Oral Presentations Posters128/GPathogenesis and Immunology of Mollicutes Division H: Genetics and Molecular BiologySymposia015/HRole of GTP-Binding Proteins in the Mechanics of Organelle Scission and Cell Division 086/HNovel Themes in Bacterial Signaling 197/HSystems Microbiology 219/HBacterial Growth Control and Control by Bacterial Growth 307/HRibosome Regulation: Assembly, Modification and Function 321/HDNA Mismatch Repair: Basic Mechanisms and its Role in Bacterial Pathogenesis, Spontaneous Mutation, Gene Transfer and Drug-Resistance Posters032/HGene and Genome Structure 033/HCell Division and Cell Cycle 066/HTranscription Control 129/HGene Expression I: Responses to the Environment 172/HGene Expression II: Regulatory Networks 238/HDNA Transformation, Genetic Tools and Plasmids 281/HPost-Transcriptional Regulation, Translation and Ribosome Biogenesis 334/HDNA Repair, Recombination and Replication Division I: General MicrobiologySymposia111/IMicrobial Single Cell Genomics 220/IThe Ecology of Antibiotics 308/IEnvironmental Limits to Microbial Survival Posters034/IMolecular and General Biology of Archaea 067/IGeneral Microbiology 130/IMicrobial Metabolism and Products 131/IMicrobial Interactions 132/IChemotaxis and Motility 173/IMicrobial Responses to Stress and Environmental Stimuli 174/IMicrobial Development, Cell Division, Cell Cycle and Behavior 239/IAnaerobes 240/IMicrobes from Diverse Environments 241/IUnusual Microorganisms 242/ITechniques 243/IBiogeography of Microorganisms Division J: Cell and Structural BiologySymposia087/JStructure and Function of the Bacterial Cytoskeleton 198/JPeptiglycan: From Genes to Structures Posters035/JBiofilm Structure and Function 036/JDifferentiation, Polarity and Cell Division 133/JCell Walls, Membranes, Compartments and Organelles 134/JSupermolecular and Surface Structures: Chemoreceptor Arrays, Motility Engines, Attachment Devices, Etc. 135/JBacterial Cytoskeleton 136/JSecretion Systems 137/JDevelopment and Application of Novel Imaging Technology Division K: Microbial Physiology and MetabolismSymposia016/KFunky Photosynthesis: Novel Ways of Using Light Energy for Growth 088/KPlugging Microbial Activities and Genomes into the Energy Grid 199/KNon-canonical Roles of tRNAs: Protein Biosynthesis and Beyond 221/KElectron Bifurcation as a Novel Mechanism of Energy Conservation 322/KPolyhedral Microbial Protein Compartments: Structure and Metabolic Functions Posters037/KBacterial Stress Responses 068/KMembrane Transporters 069/KEcology, Physiology, and Molecular Biology of Archaea 138/KCell Walls and Cell Membranes: Structure and Function 244/KMetabolism and Enzymology 245/KCell-Cell Communication 282/KGenetic & Biochemical Regulation of Metabolic Pathways 283/KFunctional Genomics Division L: Healthcare EpidemiologySymposia089/LPrevention and Control of Multiply-Drug Resistant Gram Negative Bacteria 200/LMRSA Everywhere: Implications for Prevention Posters175/LNosocomial Infections 176/LMultiply-Resistant Infections 177/LEpidemiologic Typing of Nosocomial Infections Division M: BacteriophageSymposia017/MSingle Molecule & Single Cell Dynamics 201/MPhage & Pathogenic Bacteria: Involvement of Phage in Disease and Therapy 309/MThe 3 R's: Recombination, Replication and Recombineering Student Oral Sessions159/MDivision M Student Oral Presentations Posters070/MPhage-Host Interactions and Pathogenesis 071/MEcology, Evolution and Genomics 246/MRegulation: Transcription and Post-Transcription Control 247/MReplication, Repair, Recombination, and Transposition 248/MStructure and Morphogenesis 335/MPhage in the Environment 336/MPhage Therapy and Biotechnology Division N: Microbial EcologySymposium018/NThe Interactions of Microorganisms with Metals in Geothermal Environments 202/NFrom Direct Counts to Metagenomics: Two Decades of Discovery in Aquatic Viral Ecology 203/NHigh Throughput Genomic Technologies for Complex Microbial Community Analysis 222/NModel Microbial Communities - A Tractable and Manipulatable Bridge between Organismal and Ecological Studies 223/NOdors in Microbiology: Humans and Animals Posters038/NExtreme Environments - I 039/NMicrobial Interactions with Plants or Animals 072/NExtreme Environments - II 073/NMolecular Microbial Ecology - Communities - I 139/NSoil Microbiology - Other 140/NSubsurface Microbiology 141/NFreshwater Microbiology 142/NBiogeochemistry 178/NMarine Microbiology 179/NMolecular Microbial Ecology - Communities - II 249/NMicrobe-Microbe Interactions 250/NMolecular Microbial Ecology - Communities - III 251/NEcological Genomics and Microbial Genomes 284/NSoil Microbiology - Agronomic 285/NPopulations and Communities 286/NMolecular Microbial Ecology - Organisms Division O: Fermentation and BiotechnologySymposia112/OBiobased Materials 224/OA Tribute to Mary Hickox Mandels: Mother of Cellulases, Back to the Future Student Oral Presentations348/ODivision O Student Oral Presentations Posters040/OProteomics, Microarray Analysis and Genomics 041/OBiocatalysis, Biotransformations and Bioremediation 180/OAntibiotics, Antimicrobials and Mycotoxins 181/OGenetics, Gene Expression and Protein Production 287/OFermentations and Bioconversions Division P: Food MicrobiologySymposia310/POmics: New Tools for Food Microbiology and Impacts on Food Safety 323/PResponse of Food Microorganisms to High Pressure Student Oral Sessions157/PDivision P Student Oral Presentations – I 347/PDivision P Student Oral Presentations – II Posters042/PFoodborne Pathogens - I 043/PControl Mechanisms 074/PFoodborne Pathogens - II 075/PIsolation and Detection 143/PVirulence Factors and Toxins 252/PGeneral Food Microbiology - I 288/PGeneral Food Microbiology - II Division Q: Environmental and General Applied MicrobiologySymposia019/QExtremophiles - Potential for Industrial Applications 090/QThe Microbiology of the Atmosphere 113/QGeobiology: Microorganism-Rock Interactions from the Deep Subsurface through the Rock Record 204/QUnusual Appetites: From Enzymes to Environmental Applications Posters044/QBiodegradation of Halogenated Compounds - I 045/QBiotransformation of Metals and Bioremediation of Metal-Contaminated Environments - I 046/QGeneral Environmental Microbiology - I 076/QBiodegradation of Hydrocarbons 077/QMicrobiology of Wastes and Waste Treatment 078/QGeneral Environmental Microbiology - II 144/QBioenergy - I 145/QPathogens in Environmental Sources 146/QIndicators of Fecal Pollution 182/QBiotransformation of Metals and Bioremediation of Metal-Contaminated Environments - II 183/QMethods in Environmental Microbiology 253/QBiodegradation of Heterocyclics and Aromatic Compounds 254/QEnvironmental Biofilms 255/QMicrobiology of Wastes and Waste Treatment 256QMethods in Environmental Microbiology 289/QBiodegradation of Halogenated Compounds - II 290/QBioenergy - II 291/QViruses in Water 337/QBiodegradation: Physiology and Genetics 338/QIndicators of Fecal Pollution 339/QGeneral Environmental Microbiology - III Division R: Evolutionary and Genomic MicrobiologySymposia091/RThe Origin of Microbial Species: 150 Years of Perspective 311/RHorizontal Gene Transfer and the Tree/Web of Life Posters047/RPatterns and Processes of Microbial Evolution / Horizontal Gene Transfer 048/RMechanisms of Molecular Evolution 147/RComparative and Evolutionary Genomics 184/RComputational Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Databases 257/RMetagenomics 258/RSymbiosis: Parasites, Commensals and Mutualists 259/RSystematics, Taxonomy, and Culture Collections 260/RNovel Organisms Division S: DNA VirusesSymposia324/SViruses and Cancer Posters340/SDNA Virus Structure and Replication 341/SDNA Virus-Host Interactions 342/SDNA Virus Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment Division T: RNA VirusesSymposia114/TRNA Viruses Navigating Host Defenses Posters185/TPathogenesis and Animal Models 186/TVaccines and Antivirals 187/TVirus Replication and Host Cell Interactions Division U: MycobacteriologySymposia020/UThe Biology of Tuberculosis Latency 205/UFunctional and Comparative Genomics of Pathogenic Mycobacteria 225/UProtein Secretion and Virulence in Pathogenic Mycobacteria 325/UThe Unique PE/PPE Multigene Families of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Genomics, Pathogenesis and Immunology Posters148/UMycobacterial Epidemiology 149/UHost Immunity and Vaccines 150/UField Studies and Clinical Research 292/UMycobacterial Virulence and Pathogenesis 293/UMycobacterial Persistence and Latency 343/UMycobacterial Detection and Drug Susceptibility Testing 344/UMycobacterial Genetics and Biochemistry Division V: Clinical and Diagnostic ImmunologySymposia092/VRole of the Clinical Immunology Laboratory in Management of Immunodeficiency: Full-circle Relationship with our Friends in Clinical Microbiology Posters151/VImmunomodulators, Clinical Immunoassays, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Molecular Immunology Division W: Microbiology EducationSymposia226/WAssessment in Science Education: Engaging Students and Enhancing Pedagogy 326/WBiofilms in the Undergraduate Curriculum Posters294/WInnovative Strategies for the Undergraduate Laboratories 295/WUsing Inquiry to Foster Learning for Major and Non-Majors 296/WMicrobiology for Pre-College Learning 345/WEnhancing Learning in the Undergraduate Lecture Division X: Molecular, Cellular and General Biology of the EukaryotesSymposia327/XDynamic Microbial Genomes Posters261/XEvolution of Eukaryotic Microorganisms Division Y: Public HealthSymposia093/YMolecular Methods in the 21st Century: Are Molecular Detection and Genotyping Assays Eliminating the Need for Culture? 115/Y21st Century Communications: The Key to Successful Public Health Investigations 227/YBiosafety - Best Practices 2009 328/YEmerging Infections: Usual Suspects “Unusual Crimes" Sunrise Symposia006/YUpdate on Sexually Transmitted Infections: CDC Laboratory Guidelines and Diagnostic Dilemmas for Syphilis, Chlamydia Mutants, and Resistance in Gonorrhea Posters049/YBioterrorism Preparedness 079/YEmerging Infectious Diseases 152/YMolecular Epidemiology 262/YPublic Health Aspects of STI, HIV, TB and OI 297/YPublic Health Aspects of Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans 346/YOutbreak Investigation: Lab & Epi Response Division Z: Animal Health MicrobiologySymposia094/ZDiarrhea Friend or Foe? Its Role in Pathogen Transmission and Host Defense 116/ZAnimal Microbiomes: Adventures in Molecular Ecology 312/ZCatching a Ride: Microbial Adherence to Animal Epithelia Posters050/ZAnimal-Origin Foodborne and other Zoonotic Pathogens 153/ZDetection and Characterization of Animal Pathogens (Terrestrial and Aquatic) 188/ZAnimal-Origin Microorganisms in the Environment 189/ZCommensal Bacteria in Healthy Animals 263/ZPathogenic Mechanisms and Disease 264/ZHost Immune Response to Disease (Vaccines, Cytokines, etc.) 298/ZMonitoring, Mechanisms, and Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance 299/ZDiagnostic Veterinary Microbiology and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Division AA: Free-Living, Symbiotic and Parasitic ProtistsSymposia313/AAThe Application of Bench Science to Important Clinical Problems in Global Health: Bridging the Scientific Gaps Student Oral Sessions269/AADivision AA Student Oral Session Posters162/AAProtists, Parasites and Hosts For Windows [*Please review compatibility/platform sections] LEGAL NOTE & CONDITION: This software is not installed nor has been on any of our systems. The disk(s) has been verified to read correctly. Item comes as: CD IN SLEEVE WHAT YOU GET: This auction is for the original media, and includes only the media (ie. CD, floppy ...) UNLESS specifically stated above and/or in the title. If more than just the media is included, it will state which items are (ie. box, manual, etc ). Items that come in a sleeve refer to a generic CD sleeve (typically white) and will be sent with shipping protection to avoid damage during transit. If available, we will also send the front and/or back CD inserts if in stock. If these are important to you, please message us to verify we have them available to send. Please do not assume items are included other than what's stated. Again, ask questions PRIOR to purchasing if you have any concerns. IMAGES: All images/pictures are stock photos and are for reference only, mainly to show the type of program you will be getting. Please read "WHAT YOU GET" for what is included with the media. Screenshots may vary based on your own computer system, video card, monitor, etc. COMPATIBILITY: Computers are like people, each one is different. Unlike other things, a computer program may install and work flawlessly on one system but may need adjustments on another. This is due to a variety of factors, mainly the OS platform running, video card you have, drivers, protection software installed, etc. Many times manufacturers release updates to programs to fix bugs and add enhancements. We would be happy to help get the game going on your computer, but ultimately compatibility issues are the responsibility of the buyer. We suggest going to Google and searching for the name of the program along with the words "system requirements" to determine if your system is suitable. Ultimately, we are not responsible for software compatibility problems or publisher's errors. PLATFORM: Stated within the auction is what platform the program will work on (ie. Windows, Mac, Linux...) This is a generic statement and specific platform versions (ie. XP, Vista...) will have to be researched by the buyer. Programs that came out PRIOR to XP or higher will not specifically state they will work on that release, but only because they came out before those versions were made. Many, if not most, will work on XP or higher with a few quick adjustments. We provide instructions with all items purchased on how to do this adjustment using the Program Compatibility Wizard. If we find out that an item will definately not work on a specific version, we will state it. 64-Bit Windows OS Systems: For 64-bit Operating Systems, older applications most likely will NOT work due to 64-bit systems not being able to run 16-bit programming code (most applications prior to 2000). Macintosh Systems: For Macintosh programs, most older programs will need to be run in Classic Environment if you have a MAC OS X 10.0 - 10.4 version. Please research Google on how to do this, or send us a message for information prior to purchasing. If your MAC OS system doesn't support Classic Environment (ie. MAC OS X 10.5 or Higher OR Intel Macs), you will have to try running it using the free program called SheepShaver, but compatibility is not ensured. Please research prior to purchasing or ask questions. MEDIA FORMAT: Please verify you have the required hardware in order to use the specified media (ie. CD, DVD, floppy drives, etc.) If the item comes as a floppy disc, make sure you have either the needed 3.5" floppy drive or the bigger and older 5.25" floppy drive. SHIPPING: We typically ship all items out within 2-4 business days after payment is received. In regards to the stated shipping and handling, remember that these costs include more than just postage. We combine shipping and handling, with each additional item after the first just $2 more. Message us for an invoice if Ebay doesn't automatically adjust it. International buyers not shipping to an address within the U.S. can expect their orders to take anywhere from 5 days to 4 weeks to be received, depending on how fast/well USPS is moving. Additionally, international orders typically have to go through governmental customs, which can delay the arrival process. Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Customs fees are normally charged by the shipping company or collected when you pick the item up. These fees are not additional shipping charges. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A SMOOTH PURCHASE: Ask questions PRIOR to purchasing an order to avoid any confusion. Be patient if there are problems during installation or running. Typically others have ran into that problem and have listed a solution online. Contact us and we will do our best to help. Be sure to update your video card drivers and search for updates to the game from the manufacturer. Please message us prior to leaving negative or neutral feedback in order for us to help solve your problem.
Price: 79.99 USD
Location: Bloomfield, IN
End Time: 2023-11-19T02:30:57.000Z
Shipping Cost: 5.49 USD
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Type: CD